Thursday, June 21, 2012

Big Girl Bed

Last week, we switched Charlotte out of her crib and into her big-girl toddler bed.  We did this with Abby around the time Charlotte was born (actually, I seem to remember Matt spray-painting the rails the DAY before C was born, and it got set up that day, just hours before I went into labor...).  We wanted to have a little bit more transition time this go-around since we will have THREE kiddos to care for soon.  The less drama, the better...

And, it has been dramatic.  Oh my.  We spend about 45 minutes every night sitting outside their door, going back in to quietly put C back into her bed over and over and over and over again.  After about 5 minutes, Abby falls asleep, and stays asleep for the rest of the night.  Charlotte then takes every. single. stuffed. animal. from her bed and lines them up on Abby's bed. She stands there, staring at Abby, and I can only assume she is waiting and hoping that Ab will wake up and play with her.  
No dice, kiddo.

Eventually, the pitter-patter stops and she falls asleep. And we are so exhausted WE go to bed. But not before checking on her one last time.  

And finding this:

And the next night, this:

(please note all of the items that HAD to be in bed with her: pillow, pillow pet, bwankie, giraffe, pink giraffe, dolly, bear, puppy, and my personal fave: the giraffe sunglasses.)

And last night, this:

My theory is that she finally gives up on Abby joining her party and just conks out, leaning against her bed.  Whatever the reason, it's hilarious.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


A preview of things to come:

Summer is in full swing here and we are LOVING it. Can you tell?

More to come!

(Are you happy, MATT?)