Sunday, December 9, 2007


We are a little obsessed with taking pictures of Abby sleeping. Lately, we have been trying to reverse her internal clock- when I was carrying her, she would be pretty still durring the day as I bustled around, and kick and tumble around like crazy in the evenings. She has kept this up since being born- she sleeps pretty much all day, and then is wide awake in the evenings until about 1:30 or 2am. The good thing is that once she goes down (at 1 or 2am), she sleeps for solid 4 1/2 hour chunks, so I only have to wake up once more to feed her before the morning. Here's one of her classic sleeping poses.

Last week we gave Abby her first "real" bath. She seemed to like it for the first few minutes, and then cried throughout the rest of the bath until we washed her hair- for some reason she REALLY likes it when we wash her head. We caught the bath on the video camera, but here is a picture of her all bundled up in her ducky towel that Aunt Cara gave her. Naked babies are the cutest!!

I love cuddling with my sweet daughter

Daddy and his baby girl


Melissa Coleman said...

I am just LOVING your blog. When I get bored at work, I go to your blog and look at all the precious pictures:) Abby is adorable. Keep the pictures coming!

Sara B. said...

Abby is such a little angel -- I can't wait to meet her on Thursday!!

AndyandLex said...

Hey there little mama. Yes, we've been thinking about you guys alot lately too. I can't believe we still haven't met your amazingly beautiful little angel. Andy said you all are coming down next weekend and I couldn't be more excited!!!! Little Abby will have to break in Baby Weymouth's new crib. :) The nursery (minus rocker) is all set up so she's welcome to take over! :) Just been praying for you guys a lot and its been neat to watch the Lord's faithfulness in your lives....

We start birthing classes tonight. I knwo its a little late,but we kind of got caught between the before Christmas class which woudl have been too early, and the now class. I'll just be the farthest along.

Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Mama Weymouth