In an effort to get back into the habit of writing more regularly around here, I thought I would break my two month silence with a quote from the three-year-old.
We were playing around with paper towels and water tinted with food coloring this morning (way less messy than it sounds, I promise!), and after about an half an hour Abby's hands had a few spots of color on them.
Me: "Abby, we need to wash your hands, you have dye all over them"
Abby: "they died? on the cross?"
me: "no, what? no,
Jesus died on the cross, and your hands have
dye on them, see all the colors? That's called 'dye,' but not like when someone or something 'dies.'"
Abby: "Oh. my hands died. And Jesus has colors on dem."
me: "Ummmm, no. what??"
How do you explain the difference between "dye" and "die" to a three-year-old?