Saturday, January 19, 2008

Birthday Buddies

We are so blessed to have a sweet buddy for Abby already, Jaden Coller. He was born on the same day as Abby, in the room right next door! His mommy, Patricia, and I have gotten to be good friends over the past semester as we have bonded over our pregnancies and now, our new babies! It is SUCH a blessing to have a sister in Christ in Blacksbburg who is going through all the same things as me at the same time! She has become a good friend and I hope that Abby and Jaden will enjoy each other, too. THese are the first pictures we have taken of them together- I don't know why it has taken us so long to get some, but Im sure there will be many more to come!

Not sure what to think...

I love my buddy Jaden!

Fascinated by the hokie bird mobile

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