Monday, February 11, 2008

Good Friends

The Lord has been so good to us in preserving, growing, and strengthening many friendships we have had since college. A few weekends ago we went down to Asheville, NC to visit some of these great friends. Andy and Alexe Weymouth moved to Hendersonville last fall, and we, along with Frank and Steph Barrell, visited them for the holiday weekend. It was SUCH a great weekend! I always LOVE getting together with these guys- it is so fun to watch my Andy laugh and goof off with his buddies- no one can make him laugh more than these two! It has also been such a blessing to me to get closer with Steph and Lex, they are such strong women of God and I am always so encouraged by them!
Another cool thing about the weekend was that Andy and I got to revisit several of the places we visited on our honeymoon to Asheville, two and a half years ago. Its hard to believe how much our lives have changed since then!!

This picture was taken at an overlook on the highway on the way to Asheville. Andy and I stopped at this same overlook on the way to our honeymoon and took our picture (on a different camera, so I cant find the old one!). When we saw the overlook on the way to visit the Weymouths, we HAD to stop and capture our new family!

Here is a picture of us in front of the Biltmore durring our honeymoon:

And look at us now!

THe whole gang at the Biltmore

The girls (plus little boy? or girl? Weymouth) at the awesome coffee shop the Dripolator

Crazy boys... this is what the whole weekend was like!

I think this one captures their personalities PERFECTLY

Yummy feast!

Andy was SO cute with Abby all weekend. Here he is working the gas bubbles out of her little tummy. He's going to be such a good Dad- cant WAIT!!!

One last back-to-back shot before Baby Wey comes. Hurry up Baby Wey!!

1 comment:

Sasha Rothwell said...

What a precious family! Andy, we are so happy to see you doing so well! What a beautiful little girl!!!