Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter dress

Last summer when Abby was still just a little pea in my belly, I bought a cute little dress from a shop in Harrisonburg. We didn't know what we were having, and though most people (including us) were convinced we were having a boy, part of me secretly hoped for a girl. When I saw this dress I HAD to buy it, and when I brought it home to show Andy he thought I was crazy! "We don't even know we're having a girl! And besides, if we do, how do you know it will even fit her?" He was probably right, I was kind of crazy- because a week later I bought another cute dress from TJMaxx, still secretly hoping for a little girl. Then on November 16th I was delighted when our sweet Abby was born! One of the first things I told Andy was, "see, now she can wear all those dresses I bought her!" Hahaha. And, the dress just happened to fit her perfectly for easter.

To Abby, the dress wasn't so "cute and precious," it was more of a fun thing to play in and eat!!


Julia Gardner said...

I love her little shoes!!! Girls are so fun to dress! Miss you guys! ~Sasha

AndyandLex said...

She's beautiful!!! I adore that dress. Totally know about secretly hoping for a girl...:) I would have been broke if I had bought all the gorgeous dresses I saw those long 9 months. :)

The Sinks said...

She is so cute in that beautiful dress!