Monday, May 19, 2008

After the wedding...

Because you can't have a Lentz family reunion without going bowling...

We went bowling!!

Katie and I were by far the worst. But we still had a lot of fun!!

I love my aunt Carole!

We ate lunch at a place called "Mojitos," and so of course my Mom, my aunt Carole and I HAD to order mojitos. Yummy!!

We can't take serious pictures in this family.

We also got to celebrate Andy's dad's Birthday with a special birthday breakfast that Trisha cooked on Sunday morning. We had a sweet time with Bruce and Trisha, and Andy's brother Chris who was in town for the weekend, and Katie, celebrating what a blessing it is to have Bruce in our lives! You are such an enouragement to us, Bruce. And I don't think anyone has gotten Abby to laugh as much as he has yet! All he has to say is "hello Abby" and she cracks up! We love our captain!

The weekend went by WAYYY to quickly, and we miss everyone a TON. Good thing people keep getting married- with Dan and Katie getting married in July, we don't have to wait 3 more years to see everyone again!

1 comment:

Sasha Rothwell said...

What fun! Thanks for sharing the pics! Family time is so sweet! God bless!