Sunday, June 1, 2008

Summer Happenings

Summer is officially here in Blacksburg, which means:

20,000+ fewer people around than during the school year. Which means:

Less traffic!
Shorter lines at the grocery store!
Fewer pedestrians to stop for every 100 feet on Main Street or Prices Fork!
A fully stocked Target!
Shorter lines at Starbucks!
Less traffic!

Not that I don't love the students. I really, truly do, and I miss them! But, just like it was in Harrisonburg, summer means things slow down and quiet down A TON around here, and that is niiiiiiiiiice.

Here's a quick look at some things we've been up to in the past month (now that it is June!):

Relaxing in the hammock:

Visiting friends in Harrisonburg:

LOVE the matching pants! So classy, and incredibly cute.

Katie's graduation from the JMU music school:

Cooling off in the backyard:

(ok this is my favorite one, because as you can see Bruiser thought Abby's pool was his watering hole!)


AndyandLex said...

Ahh....we love Abby! She's so adorabley edible! I love her bikini...

Yes, date soon please?! What weekend works for you guys? We can either come up or you guys can come down and we'll do a bit of outdoor craziness around our mountains. Andy's b-day is June 15th and I wanted to surprise him with a fun get-to-gether with some of his buddies, maybe a little one-day fishing trip. Let me know what weekends work for you guys.

Sasha Rothwell said...

What adorable pics! Sure wish i looked that cute in a bikini! :)