Monday, June 23, 2008

A Week of Posts Day #4: Kids are funny!!

Little kids crack me up. They say the funniest things, and are totally serious about it.

Like today at Vacation Bible School. Kyle (one of our pastors), was asking the kids to tell him about a time they received a gift.
"My Birthday!"

"Memorial Day!"

Umm, hmmm. I didn't realize three-year-olds knew there was a memorial day.

Or, when Kyle was right in the middle of explaining how Jesus' death on the cross was Gods gift to us to cover our sins, the same little boy pipes up and says,

"umm 'cause you see the other day I got some black licorice and I HATE black licorice so I put it in the toilet and flushed the toilet so I didn't have to eat it."

How do you get back to the cross from that?


Tabitha said...

So funny!!! What will our kids be saying in just a few short years?!

Jenny and Andy Benson said...

I know, seriously. I have decided that I want to keep a quote book for all the funny things they say. Hopefully I'll be good about keeping it up!