Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Make Your Own Baby Food!

So, we started Abby on veggies and fruits last week. I decided a while ago that I want to make my own baby food- it's WAY cheaper, fresher, and I think it's actually really fun! Plus, I can just get extra of whatever fruit or vegetables I am getting for Andy and I for the week and puree hers for her. And even though commercial baby food (most of the time) doesn't have added preservatives or sugars, I'm not convinced that they are as nutritious as giving the real thing. And, it really takes hardly any extra time to do a big batch of food and freeze it in ice cube trays for the week.
Anyways, I found a GREAT website for making your own baby food, and wanted to pass it on to all my fellow young mommies out there! Check out Wholesome Baby Food DOT com if you are already doing your own baby food and want some new fun ideas, or if you are curious about starting yourself!
I'm off to the grocery store- we are trying apples and butternut squash this week!


AndyandLex said...

I totally had a dream about miss abby last night...I think because right before bed I was looking at the uber adorable photo of her in the garden with her adorable cheeks and then started planning future play dates. So question for you - I want to surprise Andy for his birthday in June with a fishing trip. Would you and Andy want to join us for a fun weekend and the guys could go deep sea fishing while we chilled on the beach?

Jenny and Andy Benson said...

YES!!!!!!!!! oh my goodnes, yes. Let's do it. totally. And June is pretty open for us right now. Anything I can do to help you find a place? Or did you have something in mind?

AndyandLex said...

i was thinking charleston? Then we could see the sites and pursue retail therapy while the boys did their thing. Maybe stay in an old timey b&b??

Austin and Sara said...

I miss your updates (and you of course!) You may be in Rockbridge now, but please add more soon :)